NKK Kristiansand 2024 (International)

2024-04-21, Kristiansand


Norsk kennel klub




Göransson, Arvid


10 tilleggspoeng fra antall deltagende hunder for toppresultater

Hund Resultat Poeng
Aminiafu's Troy BIR, Excellent, CK 30
Kangelani's Valuable Viola BIM, Excellent, CK 28
Aminiafu's Oliver 2. BHK/BTK, Excellent, CK 26
Back To Back Alora Queen Of Kathu 2. BHK/BTK, Excellent, CK 26
Kangelani's Zoe By Django 3. BHK/BTK, Excellent, CK 24
Hawuna Becoming Una 4. BHK/BTK, Excellent, CK 22
Kifani's Quick Yacinta By Kion Excellent, CK 5
Aminiafu's Bell Excellent, CK 5
Makaita's Amahle Wadiwa Of Shalita Excellent, CK 5
Abeye Sebongo Excellent, CK 5
Hunting Prides Arusha Alika Excellent, CK 5
Veckdalby`s Daydreamer Dexter Excellent 4
Kifani's Quick Qa'zir By Kion Excellent 4
Adoreas Ridged Ozzy Excellent 4
Dare Magnificently Lo Wynnheim Excellent 4
Luchill's Carte Blanche for Stevie Excellent 4
Kangelani's Zafir By Django Excellent 4
Kangelani's Unique Zenith By Django Excellent 4
Kangelani's Unique Kion By Django Excellent 4
Aminiafu's Just In Time J-zita Excellent 4
Kangelani's Wanted Princess Alani Excellent 4
Adoreas Ridged Nestor Very Good 3
Mohaget's Mojo Malindi Very Good 3
Adoreas Ridged Nemi Very Good 3
Makaita's Ename Tariros Ruva Very Good 3
Aminiafu's Donna Dima Very Good 3
Adoreas Ridged Madonna Good 2